- ESR 1: Algebraic tools for exact SDP and its variants
Advisor: M. Safey el Din (Sorbonne University, Paris, France);
- ESR 2: Exact algorithms for structured polynomial optimization
Advisor: M. Safey el Din (Sorbonne University, Paris, France);
- ESR 3: Polynomial optimization problems with symmetry
Advisor: C. Scheiderer (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany);
- ESR 4: Hyperbolic polynomials and the Generalized Lax Conjecture
Advisor: M. Schweighofer (Univ. of Konstanz, Germany);
- ESR 5: Tensor Decomposition by Vector Bundles tools
Advisor: G. Ottaviani (Firenze, Italy)
- ESR 6: Approximation hierarchies for (non-)commutative polynomial optimization
Advisor: M. Laurent (CWI, Amsterdam, the Nerthelands)
- ESR 7: Approximation hierarchies for graph parameters
Advisor: M. Laurent (CWI, Amsterdam, the Nerthelands)
- ESR 8: Polynomial Optimization Problems in Operations Research and Finance
Advisor: E. de Klerk (Univ. of Tilburg, the Netherlands
- ESR 9: Structure of moment problems and applications to polynomial optimization
Advisor: B. Mourrain (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France);
- ESR 10: Group theoretic polynomial bases for global optimization
Advisor: E. Hubert (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France);
- ESR 11: Numerical cubature with symmetry and applications to polynomial optimisation
Advisor: C. Riener (Univ. of Tromsoe, Norway);
- ESR12: Algorithms and software for nonlinear convex conic optimization
Advisor: M. Stingl (Friedrich Alexander Univ. Erlangen, Germany)
- ESR 13: Algorithms and software for structured SDP
Advisor: M. Kocvara (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)
- ESR 14: Polynomial Optimization: Some challenges from applications
Advisor: M. Korda (CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse, France);
- ESR 15: Polynomial Optimization Techniques for Energy Network Operation and Design
Advisors: M. Gabay, S. Mouret (ARTELYS, Paris, France);
ESR Country Coverage