Real Algebraic Geometry with a View Toward Hyperbolic Programming and Free Probability

The workshop on "Real Algebraic Geometry with a View Toward Hyperbolic Programming and Free Probability" will be organized by LAAS - CNRS Toulouse, a POEMA's beneficiary, at MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany. from 1 Mar - 7 Mar 2020  

This workshop focuses on interactions between real algebraic geometry, operator theory and operator algebras, and optimization, with a particular emphasis on hyperbolic programming and on interrelations with free probability. It is an outgrowth of two previous successful MFO workshops held in 2014 and in 2017, themselves a continuation of a long series of MFO workshops on real algebraic geometry which started in 1984. The mathematical topics of interest include sum-of-squares representations of non-negative polynomials (in commutative and non-commutative algebras) and the dual problem of moments (including various applications), hyperbolic polynomials and their applications to optimization, and free non-commutative topics of free positivity and free probability.

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